【English Version below】











我們是Funky Brothers(放客兄弟)-你可以控制住你的身體,但控制不住你的心!一個不只給你無法自主的律動,還要給你無法忘記感動的樂團

從2007年開始成軍,主要將 70~80年代具有FUNKY精神的各種音樂類型融入其創作風格當中,從Funk/Disco/Blues到Nu-Jazz/Acid-jazz/R&B/Regga/Swing…放客兄弟的音樂創作永遠充滿groove(律動) 從感性到激昂,Funky Brothers用熱情令人想舞動的音符和節奏,表達對人群,對世界,對自我,對情感,對你對我的思維。


五年來,我們歷經各大live house及音樂祭,河岸留言,The Wall,Revolver,海洋音樂祭小舞台,春天吶喊等。曾與Matzka,趙一豪,董事長樂團等前輩樂團同台演出,2012年更與日本前衛樂團Trippple Nipples一同受邀,擔任城市游牧影展開幕派對演出樂團。


女主唱&詞曲-Airy,主要詞曲創作者(2004 亞洲YAMAHA熱音賽台灣區最佳主唱)
吉他-陳俊安(濁水溪樂團/趙一豪/UNDER THE MOON/台買家環繞音響吉他手)
鼓手-徐子曜(第十七屆YAMAHA全國熱門音樂大賽 最佳鼓手/大冒險樂團鼓手)
長笛-小崔(第20屆亞洲盃Yamaha 熱音大賽best performance/長笛、鍵盤、吉他、烏克麗麗、合聲)




臉書  https://www.facebook.com/FunkyBrothersTW
indievox:  http://www.indievox.com/evelevel
Streetvoice:  http://tw.streetvoice.com/music/funkybrothers/

CROWD FUNDING PROJECT for the Funky Brothers' debut Album


We are a totally independent band, free from record company or any other obligation, and it's been like this for 5 years already!

From the original 4 members, the band gradually grew up by incorporating the brass section, up to the now 10 musicians’ formation. Little by little, the Funky Brothers have kept going further all along through hard work and intense motivation to bring out this locally one of a kind band.  But every year when it comes to the time to apply for the government subsidies, our sincerity and hopes always turn into disappointment. But we never gave up!


Through the years we can feel maturity and improvement in all ways, even though ignored by the main actors of the industry or cultural development, even though we don't have the support of large influence circles or rich patrons, we have seen

More and more people around us, supporting us, expecting us and our music, our performances, being there every time every gig, coming again and expressing the warmest support a band can expect!

That is why we want to thank them and we want to keep sharing this music, this feeling to them, but also to everybody! And this goes through first producing albums!


Through producing complete pieces of work, representative of what we can do. This has been our goal for a long time already, just like anyone who plays music. It could be done lightly, but it can be done seriously too. Considering all these people loving us and cheering us, it is obvious that we can't allow ourselves to record a cheap production. They want, and we want to give them, a quality work.


In order to produce an album, we need to collect $350,000 NT, which includes recording, mastering, pressing, designing, publishing and selling costs. This is a lot of money but that's the minimum to honor the commitment and the expectations of any audience, and to prove that we can do something of that quality without any help from the government.


After the recording and the publishing of the album, the Brothers will go on tour to celebrate this achievement and to complete the full process. This won't be the end of a project, but the new start of an indie band!


The Funky Brothers also really hope that this achievement can help the music industry in Taiwan to open and propose new ways for the bands to emerge and to as well as to propose more various styles of music, in order to prove how rich is the Taiwanese scene !


About the Funky Brothers



We are the Funky Brothers(放客兄弟)-

You can control your body, but you can't control your heart! A band that will provide you a groove that you can't resist, and memories that you can't forget!


Formed in 2007, the Funky Brothers get their inspiration from the 70~80’s, the golden age of Funk, Soul and Disco. Add some Blues, R&B, Acid Jazz or Reggae and that will give you a taste of what the Brothers mix to have the audience dance into their borderless world. The power – we might as well say the magic- of the Funky Brothers is based on a friendly groove and dedicated to anyone, to everybody, to the world, to you, to us all.


The band is fronted by two awesome and completely different singers: Threestones, raising sitting crowds with his skill through his craziness, and Airy sharing her warmth with her powerful voice and charming smile. The Rhythmic section is based on the precision and creativity of drummer Guojin and bassist Yingmu. The multifaceted guitarist Andy brings some psychedelic feeling with his solos, whatever style it could be. And to complete the funky sound, the brass section of the Funky Brothers blows some color into the music.

Welcome to the family!


During 5 years we got to enter many of the Live Houses and festivals all around Taiwan, like the Spring Scream, the Ho hai yan festival, the Tainan May Jam, Riverside, Revolver, the Wall, Pipe Live Music; we had the chance to play on the same stage together with other artists like Matzka, avant-garde Japanese band Trippple Nipples, or our precursors the Chairman, Sissey Chao, etc... 



Who are the Funky Brothers?



  • Female Lead vocals& lyricist-Air (Best vocalist at the 2004 YAMAHA Asian Beat band Competition)
  • Male lead Vocals & Keyboard-ThreeStones (Best vocalist at the 1998 National Beat band Competition)
  • Guitar-Andy Chen (LTK Commune/Sissey Chao/UNDER THE MOON/Taimaica Soundsystem)
  • Bass-Evel (the Clippers, Under the Moon, Mars&Koala)
  • Drums-GuoJing (Big risk band)
  • Drums-Pao Teng
  • Flute-Ray Cui (Flute, Keyboard, Guitar, Ukulele, backing vocals)
  • Trombone-AnChi Ling (Taipei Riot Jazz Big band Lead Trombonist)
  • Trumpet-Mr. Banana (Taipei Cultural University, Music Department)
  • Saxophone-Damien



Payback Options


$350,000 NT is not a small amount of money, that is why we are doing our best to repay your investment the best way, and show our gratitude to our friends always by our sides helping us!

So when we reach this figure, the Flying V project will be over, and in September we'll start record our debut album!


Apart from our deepest gratitude and the album itself with the according concerts and tour, we prepared other ways to pay you back! Here is the list:


1) $ 100 NT: Our Gratitude!

2) $ 400 NT: 1 Album (sent to you anywhere in Taiwan without any postal fee)

3) $ 800 NT: 1 Album + 1 ticket for the Album Release Concert (beginning of 2013)

4) $ 1,200 NT: 1 Album + 1 limited edition Funky Brothers T-shirt by ROOMSBASS

5) $ 2,000 NT: 5 Albums + limited promotional pictures + Autographed Funky Brothers T-shirt

6) $ 2,500 NT (limited to 20 investors only): 1 Album + limited promotional pictures + 1 ticket for the Album Release Concert + 1 personal gift from a Funky Brother

7) $ 3,200 NT (limited to 20 investors only): 1 Limited Edition Album (with bonus tracks) + 1 autographed T-shirt + promotional pictures + 1 ticket for the Album Release Concert

8) $ 5,000 NT (limited to 20 investors only): 1 Limited Edition Album (with bonus tracks) + 1 autographed T-shirt + promotional pictures + 1 ticket for the Album Release Concert + 1 DVD of the recording sessions

9) $ 6,000 NT (limited to 20 investors only): 10 Albums + 1 autographed T-shirt + your name in the album as a contributor +6)

10) $ 300,000 NT (limited to 1 investor only): All of the different options presented before + 200 albums + a lifetime free entrance to Funky Brothers concerts + a full collaboration with the investor for the production of the album and any promotional content that the investor would like to add



More details:

* ROOMSBASS / Funky Brothers collaboration limited edition T-shirt:

When you go to Funky Brothers concert you will see them wearing this T-shirt, you can also check the promo pictures on our facebook! They exist in Red, Grey and Black, 4x sizes: S, M, L, and XL


* Personal Funky Brothers gifts

Every member will prefer 2x personal and mysterious gifts. When applying for this option, please mention which member you would like to get it from!


* Limited Edition Album

With a unique handmade design, this limited edition Album will comprise some bonus tracks that are not available on the main Album. Not only the cover will be different, but the full content too!


* DVD of the Recording Sessions

A full documentary of the process for making this album, so that you feel even more involve in this creation process, secrets, laughs, NG and other gossips for your eyes only !


* Sing/Play with the Funky Brothers

Participate with the Funky Brothers to the recording sessions, and have your own demo recorded with us or even a song on the Album!


* Private concerts

The Funky Brothers offer you a mini/ full concert (according to which option). You only have to provide a stage set up, and the Brothers provide the energy!



Music is food for the brain, how could you let other feed yours?

Helping Funky Brothers to have their debut album is a good way to have a different band to emerge in Taiwan. We need you! Our big Family needs you! Music fans stand up!



If you know us already, thank you! If you don't (yet) :

How to Participate :

Everything is explained here : http://www.facebook.com/notes/damien-stone/funky-brothers-debut-album-crowd-funding-project-how-to-partcipate-/10150902168173831


Risks and Challenges