
上一回我們講到了發送台灣徽章的趣事,今天我們要公布上次的謎底囉!義大利人Giacomo Marcolin 現身說法!

沒有國界和距離 只有理想和價值

在紐約模聯,我們遇到了一位義大利人Giacomo Marcolin,現在和他還有密切的聯繫,我跟他提起了募款這件事。他那時語重心長的跟我說:義大利也是如此!

義大利外交協會(Italian Diplomatic Academy)每年都會帶領來自全義大利200多名的高中生前往紐約參與會議。同樣的,經濟能力成為了出國參與會議的阻礙。


Giacomo Marcolin:

I watched your video and I found it very interesting, you caught the point! It's very disappointing that economic conditions still impose limits to culture in our "developed" societies. Since I'm part of my school board, I face this issue every day. When I started to attend the high school, five years ago, my school was full of projects and they were almost free, that's way my Lyceum was considered one of the best schools in my country even if we are only about 1000 students. Today we have a quarter of those activities, being optimistic, and most are not free anymore. Luckily, some private partners of my town raised founds and gave us four scholarships for best students, considering especially their economic condition, to let them participate NHSMUN. And initiatives of this kind are spreading in other parts of Italy. Why don't you try to find some "sponsors"? I know it's a bit utopian but you should try.


真的相當感謝這位遠從義大利來的支持!自去年紐約模聯認識開始,我們便和他有密切的聯繫,從學校、生活大小事、台灣、義大利、模聯、音樂、講到募款。他真誠的回應讓我們相當感動! “You caught the point!”是他在看完昨天我們分享的影片(之後所作的最佳註解!

