《遙YAO》Synthersizer V AI 聲音庫聲線試


[遙YAO] AI聲音庫,提供六種風格迥異的聲線(Vocal Mode),使用者可依實際需要調整各聲線的比例參數,符合所需。本影片在展示各聲線演唱的不同風格。 [遙YAO] AI聲音庫為VOICEMITH為虛擬歌手夏語遙所發行的聲音庫,採用 Synthesizer V 最新的人工智慧與機器學習技術製成,創作者透過直觀精巧的軟體界面,僅需簡單操作即可生成真實自然、變化多樣的合成歌聲。透過強大的 Synthesizer V 合成引擎,能帶來的中/英/日三語跨語言的合成歌聲,提供終極的人聲音樂製作體驗! [遙YAO] AI聲音庫即將問世,敬請期待! 有任何問題請聯繫 vs@voicemith.com [遙YAO] AI voice bank provides six different styles of voices (Vocal Mode), users can adjust the proportion parameters of each voice according to actual needs, to meet the needs. This video is showing the different styles of singing by each voice mode. [遙YAO] AI voice bank is released by VOICEMITH for the virtual singer Xia Yuyao. It is made with the latest artificial intelligence and machine learning technology of Synthesizer V. Through the intuitive and exquisite software interface, the creator only needs simple operations. Generate realistic and natural, varied synthetic singing voices. Through the powerful Synthesizer V synthesis engine, it can bring Chinese/English/Japanese trilingual synthesized singing voices, providing the ultimate vocal music production experience! [遙YAO] AI voice bank will be coming soon, so please stay tuned!