English description in down below

(恥辱柱被拆毀,圖片來源:HK Frontline Media)

(恥辱柱被拆毀,圖片來源:HK Frontline Media)

2021年12月22日晚間,在香港大學校園豎立二十三年的恥辱柱(丹麥語:Skamstøtten;英語:Pillar of Shame;港譯:國殤之柱)連夜遭到拆毀,此舉宣示香港再也沒有公開悼念六四事件的言論及創作自由的空間。六四悼念晚會亦在香港成為被消失的集會。


針對藝術的打壓不會讓藝術消失,反而只會賦予它新的意義不斷重生。 — 知名丹麥雕塑藝術家高志活(Jens Galschiøt)






  • 達標門檻:我們將重建一座三米高的恥辱柱,並會在六四晚會上作初次展覽
  • 里程碑一:謝謝大家支持!我們將重建一座五米高的恥辱柱!
  • 超出里程碑:重建完成後如有餘款,我們將用作後續維護。







  • 明信片(一套三張,105x148mm)

  • 手拿杯提袋

  • 主視覺平面拼圖(300片,30.8cm * 23.8cm)

  • 主視覺球型拼圖迷你存錢箱(3寸)

  • 恥辱柱模型(20cm 高)



(特別嗚謝  Lady Liberty HK 提供技術支援)

(Demolition of the Pillar of Shame, Source: HK Frontline Media)

(Demolition of the Pillar of Shame, Source: HK Frontline Media)

On the evening of December 22nd, 2021, the monument; Pillar of Shame which was erected on the campus of the University of Hong Kong for 23 years, was demolished overnight, showing that Hong Kong no longer had the freedom of expression and creativity to mourn the June Fourth Massacre in public. The June Fourth vigil had also been banned in Hong Kong.


The suppression of art does not make art disappear, rather, it will only give art a new meaning and a new life. — Jens Galschiøt

Before the demolition of the Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong, Jens Galschiøt released a 3D model of the Pillar of Shame online and called on people worldwide to download, print and share it around the world. We, the New School for Democracy, responded to the call, hoping to take this opportunity to show the world that Taiwan values freedom of artistic expression and human rights.

The current situation in Hong Kong shows that the so-called "one country, two systems" is merely a process of moving towards one country, one system. We must show our determination to reject it and show our solidarity with the Hong Kongese.

The project will reconstruct the Pillar of Shame in Taiwan based on the 3D model release by Jens Galschiøt, the creator of the Pillar of Shame, using 3D printing. The project will also invite Jens Galschiøt to Taiwan to participate in the reconstruction process.

This reconstructed Pillar of Shame is not just a replica of the original, it is a completely new work. Its meaning is no longer confined to the June Fourth massacre, but also carries the blood and tears of the many struggles of Hong Kongese since 2019.

A sea apart, they break it, we build it!

  • Goal: We will reconstruct a 3m tall Pillar of Shame in Taiwan, and unveil it in June fourth Vigil.
  • Milestone: Thanks for the support! We will reconstruct a 5m tall Pillar of Shame
  • After we reconstruct the Pillar of Shame, if there are any extra funds left, we will use them for maintenance.

2022 June Fourth candlelight vigil

(June Fourth Memorial event in 2021, held by New School for Democracy)

(June Fourth Memorial event in 2021, held by New School for Democracy)

The Vigil will be held on 4 June 2022 at 6:40pm on the Democracy Boulevard at the National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. In addition to unveiling the Pillar of Shame, we will also observe a moment of silence in memory of the victims of the June 4 Massacre and show solidarity with all victims of Chinese oppression in the Vigil.

International Human Rights Art Exhibition

From 1 June to 12 June 2022, the exhibition will be held on the Democracy Boulevard and Gallery at the National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. We will exhibit feature works by several artists, including Jens Galschiøt, Badiucao and Kacey Wong.

  • Postcard (3 in 1, 105x148mm)

  • Tote Cup Carrying Bag

  • Puzzle(300-piece,30.8cm * 23.8cm)

  • 3D Ball-shape Puzzle Mini Coin Bank(3 inch)

  • Pillar of Shame Replica (20cm tall)

(All images are illustrations of the finished product.)

(The funds raised from this project will only be used for the production of the Pillar of Shame, delivery, insurance, assembly and related administrative costs, and will not be used for the 2022 June Fourth candlelight vigil and the International Human Rights Art Exhibition)

(Special thanks to Lady Liberty HK for technical support)

Risks and Challenges

  • 因應國際疫情尚未平穩,高志活先生未必能如期來台為重製恥辱柱揭幕。本團隊會密切留意疫情變動,積極協助高志活先生申請簽證及入境隔離相關工作。
  • 因應疫情尚未平穩,重製恥辱柱的組裝、揭幕及展覽亦有可能必須限制參加人數,本團隊將持續密切留意疫情變化,以調整辦理形式。
  • 募資品將會在2022年6月底至7月初陸續寄出,寄出時會以郵件通知。請確保您填寫正確的收件資訊。
  • 若有任何問題或是企業贊助及採訪需求,歡迎來信:info@nsd.asia
  • As the Covid-19 epidemic has not yet stabilised, Galschiøt may not be able to come to Taiwan as scheduled to unveil the Pillar of Shame
  • As the Covid-19 epidemic has not yet stabilised, it is possible that the plans of assembly and exhibition of the Pillar of Shame may change.
  • The Reward Items will be sent out in late June and early July 2022 and will be notified by mail. Please ensure that you fill in the correct incoming i
  • For any questions or corporate sponsorship and interview requests, please write to: info@nsd.asia