請問產品預計何時出貨呢? When is delivery?
在完成募資計畫後,預計將於2021年12月陸續出貨。更多詳細出貨日程,將會公布於Flying V。
After campaign completion, orders are scheduled to start continous shipping in December 2021. For detail delivery date, please watch for our announcements on Flying V.
請問產品是否有保固? 後續維修該如何處理呢? What is the warrant policy?
購買Deeper Connect產品皆享有一年保固。如果使用產品時遇到的問題,請與客服聯絡email: support@deeper.network 申請遠端技術支援。 如果鑒定為產品故障,將可更換處理。

Deeper Connect devices all have one year warranty. If you find issues with the device, please contact support@deeper.network via email for technical support. If the device requires repair, we will replace the device for you within warranty period.
請問我需要支付月費嗎? Do I need to pay a monthly fee?
不需要。在Flying V 募資平台上購買Deeper Connect Nano的用戶將擁有終身免月費的服務。

Deeper Network目標建立一個真正去中心化、安全、隱私、公平且自由的網路。用戶只需要透過支付一次費用,就可終身使用。希望透過這種模式,使更多用戶能夠擁有Deeper Connect 的設備。

No. All users from Flying V will receive a free lifetime subscription with the Deeper Connect Nano.

Deeper Network strives to build a decentralized, secure, private, and fair internet. Users only need to pay a one-time fee for lifetime usage. We wish that this can motivatemore users can have access to Deeper Connect.
1. DPN (去中心化專用網路) 在功能、安全度及隱私上各方面遠遠超過傳統中心化的VPN (虛擬專用網路)的科技。傳統的VPN是由一個集中式的網路 (代表如果關掉中央伺服器,會使網路癱瘓)。DPN (去中心化專用網路) 是個沒有中央伺服器的網路,用戶既是客戶端,也是伺服器,假設一個用戶網路出現問題, 不會影響其他用戶,所以不會有單點故障的問題。

2. 傳統的VPN的用戶需繳交月費,或是用戶為了享有優惠,就直接繳一年費用。Deeper Connect Nano就是使用DPN的設備, 無需繳交月費;同時,為感謝在Flying V參與Deeper Connect Nano眾籌的用戶,Deeper Network 將提供用戶擁有終生免費Deeper Connect Nano系統更新功能。
設備裝好後,我該到哪裡登入用戶界面? Where is login after setup?
設置好Deeper Connect Nano後,可以到瀏覽器輸入34.34.34.34 或登入。用戶登入名字和密碼都是 "admin" 。第一次登入後,用戶可更改登入帳號和密碼。

After setting up Deeper Connect Nano, users can access or via a web browser. The default login user name and password are all "admin". After logging in for the first time, users can change the account user name and password.
在哪裡可找到設備說明書? Where can I find user manual?
說明書已附在Deeper Connect Nano的盒子內, 或是您可以在https://deeper-network-inc.gitbook.io/deeper-connect-knowledge-base/ 找到相關的說明書。 (註: 網站目前主要以英文為主)
如果您有其他問題,請email 與客服聯絡: support@deeper.network

User manual is included in the Deeper Connect Nano box. You can also find more manuals in https://deeper-network-inc.gitbook.io/deeper-connect-knowledge-base/.

If you have further questions, please email support@deeper.network
目前來說,是的。用戶需要有一個獨立的路由器才能將 Deeper Connect Nano與多合一的數據機(含路由器) 連接起來。但技術團隊最近研發的WiFi USB無線接收器,未來用戶將不用另外連接路由器,就可以連接Nano。請持續關注在Flying V的更新消息。
在Nano上有個USB的插孔,是有什麼用處? What is the USB port for?
USB插孔是為了之後技術團隊研發的WiFi USB無線接收器所設計。

USB port is designed for a future add-on for WiFi capability.
Deeper Connect Nano能阻擋網頁中出現的cookies嗎?
Deeper Connect Nano不阻擋一般網站的cookies,但會阻擋使用第三方cookie竊取用戶瀏覽紀錄的URL。
目前有多少個活躍的節點? 分別分佈在哪裡? How many nodes are there?
Currently, there are about 20,000 nodes around the world, mostly in North America, Europe, and Asia.
可以帶Deeper Connect Nano到其他國家使用嗎?
可以, 用戶可以帶Deeper Connect Nano到任何有網路的國家做使用。
分享頻寬是否代表分享我的網路? 這樣會影響我的網速而變慢嗎?
Deeper Connect Nano有七層的防火牆,能夠深層過濾網路上的惡意行為而被阻止。所以因分享頻寬,而被盜用做違法的事的機率是極低的,而且頻寬分享的紀錄都會在AtomOS上,只有用戶本人能access這些相關訊息,所以如果真的發生了問題,也有紀錄能證明。與其他網路相比,這就是Deeper Connect Nano去中心化網路的獨特優勢。Deeper Network 相信網路安全是共享網路不可或缺的先決條件。當然,用戶也可選擇不分享頻寬。
如果在使用Deeper Connect Nano時,遇到網速變慢怎麼辦?
您可以嘗試更換節點,因為有些用戶分享的頻寬可能是有限的,因此影響使用該節點的用戶網速變慢。您也可試著刪除一些連結的通道。 或者是重新啟動Deeper Connect Nano。
Deeper Connect 產地是哪裡? Where is it manufactured?
Deeper Connect Nano 設計出自於位於美國硅谷的 Deeper Network總部。 硬體和原材料來自於不同的國家,整體設備組裝是在中國大陸。

Deeper Connect Nano is designed at Deeper Network's headquarters located in Silicon Valley, California. Hardware and raw materials are sourced from different countries. The device is assembled in Mainland China.
是否能夠開立發票? Can you issue a receipt?
如需開立發票,請email 與客服聯絡: support@deeper.network

For a receipt, please email support@deeper.network
How do you compare with traditional VPNs?
DPN beats any traditional (centralized) VPN technology on price, performance, security, integrity, and privacy. Traditional VPNs are supported by a centralized network (where taking down the central servers will paralyze the network), DPN is a decentralized network that will not have a Single Point Failure. DPN can also survive IP address blocking, port blocking, and pattern detection. We offer lifetime free access to the DPN feature as a special thank you to our backers.
How do you achieve your high-speed connection?
Our AtomOS lock-free networking operational system enables advanced congestion control protocol, and Smart VPN routing powered by Deeper Network. If you experience speed loss when using DPN, there are a few solutions. You can try to switch nodes as some devices might have limited bandwidth shared with the public. You can also try to delete some tunnels. Finally, you can try to reboot the device.