
感謝大家的分享與參與!目前已募得81900元,離我們的目標10萬元只有一步之遙了.還剩3天!大家一起加把勁!將這個好消息分享給好朋友!做好事大家一起來!加油! 加油! 加油!Gal Orian もっと見る

{重要公告} 回饋內容調整

Dear beckers,First we like to thank you for your kind support and your time. We like to introduce to you two of our main partner charities, Haxstrong.org  and Atayal.orgWe also like to share that we had to change the rewards, and it is now calculated as 1 book = 100 NT. etc. Apology for any inconven… もっと見る